Suzhou A_plus Electronics CO.,LTD
Conflict mineral policy

Tantalum (columbite, cassiterite, wolframite and gold) or its derivatives, including tantalum, tin and tungsten, from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and adjoining countries are sometimes mined and sold by armed groups to support unfair labor practices or human rights abuses. Some minerals and/or derivatives can enter the supply chain of products used around the world in some way.

Suzhou Abolus Automotive Products Co., Ltd. has formulated a policy aimed at preventing its products containing tungsten and its products from directly or indirectly providing financial support or benefiting relevant armed groups in conflict areas. Suzhou Abolus Automotive Products Co., Ltd. is committed to taking responsibility in its operations and global supply chains, respecting human rights, and is committed to sourcing raw materials containing tungsten and its products that do not support relevant conflicts. To comply with this procurement policy, we will do the following:

1. Conduct due diligence with relevant suppliers to ensure that procurement complies with the requirements of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas and encourage our suppliers to require their suppliers to do the same

2. Provide, and require our suppliers to cooperate in providing due diligence information to ensure that our supply chain of tungsten-containing and its products does not support conflicts.

3. Immediately stop cooperating with suppliers who are at risk of supporting conflicts.

4. Commit to being open and transparent to customers and the public by reporting our progress to implement this policy.

Suzhou Abolus Automotive Products Co., Ltd.





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